That means that each hero as well as the player's main character will all provide a benefit if they have trainer skill and there are any troops or heroes with a lower level.

Now there is an extra layer of complexity because trainer in Native is a personal skill and not a party skill. This is given at the end of each day at midnight so if you want to game the system you can swap out your max level troops for recruits at night then swap back after they receive the training xp. It starts out at a paltry 4 points for 1 in trainer and maxes out at 80 points at 10 trainer. The base amount provided to each troop is the number shown in the skill tooltip for that trainer skill level. So if you have 10 troops that are level 15 and you are level 20 with a trainer skill of 2 you will give 10 points to each of the troops for a total of 100 xp. Any troop or hero in the party with a lower level than the player or hero with trainer skill will get the set amount based on how high the trainer skill is. The xp given is per troop or hero and the amount of levels they are below the trainer do not matter. Originally posted by LSD:Still not certain if that's right, but it makes a lot more sense than it just giving the base xp per night.